
In 2017, She Was Strangely Found Strapped Into The Passenger Seat Of A Pickup Truck That Was Submerged In A Lake

By July 31, authorities confirmed the sighting– there was a truck submerged in over twenty feet of water, located about four hundred feet from the shoreline and only about a mile and a half away from Olivia’s house.

A law enforcement diver also discovered Olivia’s body buckled into the passenger seat of the truck. Shockingly, though, there were no obvious injuries found on Olivia’s body, and the autopsy report failed to determine how Olivia had died.

In fact, the coroner even noted how they could not find a definitive natural, toxicological, or traumatic cause for her death.

So, Olivia’s family has sadly been left frustrated and confused. They still do not know who she was with that night and what exactly happened that caused her death.

And all they have been able to do is raise awareness about Olivia’s case. After she initially disappeared, they created a website entitled Searching For Olivia Lone Bear. Her family also launched a Facebook group with the same title in hopes of finding answers.

Tragically, though, it has now been over four years since Olivia’s body was discovered, and her case has remained cold. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is now offering a ten thousand dollar reward for anyone with information regarding Olivia’s death.

If you have any information, you are encouraged to contact the FBI at 1(800)- 225-5324.

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