
She Told Her Sister To Fix Her Overgrown, Two-Toned Hair Before Her Wedding, And Her Sister Refused

About a year ago, though, Olivia decided to quit dyeing altogether in hopes of growing out more healthy locks.

And according to her, Olivia’s hair looked fine for the first month or so. The roots had not fully come in yet, so the two tones blended together almost like a balayage.

“But now, we are around the year mark, and her roots are straight-up brown. There’s a straight line, no blending, and blonde for the last eight inches of her hair,” she explained.

Plus, she claims that Olivia refuses to wear her hair up to hide the roots during the wedding– which she is totally not okay with. She does not want her hair to be “on full display” in all of the wedding pictures.

“I love my sister and respect what she wants to do with her hair. However, her hair is an eye sore, and I’ve never seen anyone let their hair look like this for this long,” she vented.

So anyway, she ended up talking to her hairdresser about Olivia’s hair and found out that there are a bunch of options out there to blend the two tones without giving Olivia a full dye job.

And apparently, her hairdresser claimed that all of the options were still healthy and would not cause further damage.

This prompted her to talk to Olivia and offer to pay for whatever her sister wanted to have done to her hair at the salon.

But Olivia refused and said she did not want to put any more chemicals in her hair. And honestly, she was beyond pissed.

She believes that her wedding is going to be the most important day of her life, and she does not want someone with “unkept roots” in her wedding party.

She also thinks that Olivia is being unreasonable because it’s not like she is asking her sister to cut or fully change the color.

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