
She’s In Awe That People Are Leveraging Close Friends On Instagram In Order To Find Hook-Ups

Instagram’s ‘close friends’ feature is pretty cool. It gives us the opportunity to post Instagram stories that we’d rather only a select list of followers see.

The close friends list is usually used to post something silly, maybe something that’s even a little embarrassing.

It can also be perfect for when you need to post something that’s more personal or serious. But did you ever think it could be used to impress a guy or secure your next hook-up?

A young woman named Jac (@jacquieslife) recently posted a video on TikTok after learning that one of her straight friends claims that the close friends story feature is solely to be used for finding someone to hook up with.

“I need to discuss a hetero phenomenon that I recently learned about,” says Jac at the beginning of her video.

Jac explains to her viewers that she recently posted a tweet saying that your close friends list on Instagram should only include the people that you would invite to your birthday brunch. Her friend responded with something that had her shook!

Jac’s friend responded, “No, this [close friends list] is for hooking up.”

Jac was having a hard time wrapping her head around the idea of using that specific feature to find someone to get with until her friend demonstrated how it works.

TikTok; pictured above is Jac in her video

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