
She’s Refusing To Give Her Instagram Handle To Her Brother-In-Law’s Fiancée, And Now Her Entire Family Has Turned Against Her 

“I was so confused at that point, and I told her that I didn’t understand why I had to do that,” she recalled.

But then, the truth finally came out. Apparently, Tanya does not think she “deserves” that account handle because she has a private account that she barely uses.

Tanya, on the other hand, revealed how she had ten thousand followers and posted a lot of “beautiful pictures” that got a ton of likes.

“Tanya also said she deserves the last name more because she was in the family for a longer time– they were childhood friends and high school sweethearts– and they got engaged sooner than me because I dated my husband for five years,” she said.

Honestly, though, she did not care about any of this. So, she just tried to focus on calming Tanya down and reiterating how she had already offered a ton of username solutions.

Tanya would not hear it, though. Instead, Tanya just encouraged her to switch her username to an underscore or period. Plus, she learned that Tanya had already reserved the Mrs. [last name] account handle on practically every other social media site. So, aside from Instagram, she could not use it anymore.

Anyway, she started to get pretty pissed off at Tanya– especially after Tanya started becoming aggressive and demanding she gave up the handle.

So after a while, she just called Tanya’s behavior childish and shallow before refusing to hand over the Instagram username for a final time.

Ever since then, though, her family has been reaming her out for her decision. Everyone, from her in-laws to her friends, is claiming that she ruined Tanya’s “most special day.”

Plus, her family even gave her a ridiculous ultimatum. They claim that if she does not hand over the username to Tanya, she and her husband will be uninvited from the wedding.

So basically, she has been put in an impossible situation. Her husband was supposed to be his brother’s best man– a role that he would not be able to fulfill if they were uninvited from the wedding. And she does not want such a petty argument to impact her husband in a real way.

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