
This Woman Is Convinced She Experienced A Glitch In The Matrix After A Strange Man Vanished At Her Local Park

RusskyMaverick - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman recently took her two children– who are eight and eleven years old– and her dog to a local park. But, a bizarre encounter with a spooky visitor left her feeling totally shaken.

For context, the park itself had typical playground equipment. And there was a four-foot fence that surrounded the entire play area. Then, there was a parking lot across a dock and to the right of the playground.

Anyway, after she and her kids finished their afternoon outing, they began walking toward her truck to leave. At that moment, she also noticed an older man and woman– who appeared to be in their fifties– getting out of a car, which was parked directly next to her truck.

She noted how both the man and woman were dressed up nicely in “Sunday dress.” Then, the pair parted ways. The woman apparently went to the bathroom; meanwhile, the man headed toward the fenced-in kid’s park.

Within a few seconds, though, everything turned pretty weird– because the man seemingly vanished from the parking lot and reappeared in the playground.

“I glanced behind me to make sure the kids were on my heels, and I kid you not, within the two seconds that I glanced behind me and looked back for the man thinking he was going to walk past me, he was already ON the swing and swinging,” she recalled.

Even her kids thought that the man’s rapid movement was totally bizarre, and her daughter looked up at her and said, “That man is so strange.”

Then, while the man was laughing and swinging away, he apparently looked in her direction. So, in an effort to be friendly, she just shouted out, “The swings don’t swing as high as they used to!”

The man replied with something along the lines of, “And they were not this squeaky, either!” basically referring to the rusted and loud hinges.

RusskyMaverick – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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