
Was The Real Jack The Ripper A Man Named H.H. Holmes?

Considering the two stories, many have come to believe that H.H. Holmes was indeed Jack The Ripper.

Some say that it would have taken Holmes a month to travel by boat from London to Chicago during those days. Because Jack The Ripper’s murders ended between late 1888 and early 1889, it would have been possible for Holmes to do the traveling before murdering his first Chicago victim afterward.

One person that believes in this theory is Jeff Mudgett, a lawyer and H.H. Holmes’ great-great-grandson. He claims to have Holmes’ diaries which explicitly describe murders he committed in London. Mudgett also claims that instead of Holmes being executed in May of 1896, he tricked a lookalike to be killed in his place.

What do you think is the true story of Jack The Ripper and H.H. Holmes? Could they be the same person?

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