
Her Boyfriend Just Confessed To Her That Even Though They Have Been Together For 7 Years, He’s Never Found Her Body Attractive

nenetus - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A woman has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for the last 7 years, and he recently confessed something heartbreaking to her: he has never thought that her body is attractive at all.

Instead, he says that he really only finds her face attractive, and that’s pretty much it. Ouch, right?

Back when she began dating her boyfriend close to a decade ago, she weighed not even 100 pounds, as she was struggling with some complications related to her health.

4 or 5 years into her relationship with her boyfriend, she eventually gained some weight, and she was then about 118 pounds.

She wasn’t muscular, nor was her body toned at all, but she thought that she looked very good at this weight.

She does struggle with being kind to herself, and how she looks, so this was a milestone for her, being able to admit that she liked how she looked.

Currently, she weighs 123 pounds. She exercises 3 days each week, and she works a job 7 days a week.

She eats really well every single day, and although she does struggle with the same exact health issues, she’s doing great.

Well, then her boyfriend decided now was the time to let her know that he has never thought she was attractive in regards to her body, and it never mattered to him what her weight was: he still didn’t like her body.

nenetus – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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