
She Took Her 10-Year-OId Stepdaughter Shopping For Bras, And Now Her Stepdaughter’s Mom Is Upset She Took A Milestone Away From Her

“She thought that her training bra would be fine with the shirt that she wore that day, but that the cousins still noticed her chest and made fun of her. She didn’t feel comfortable telling her dad what happened because, in her own words, she “felt gross.” I did the best that I could to comfort her about what happened. I told her that she isn’t “gross” but rather that she is perfectly normal and her cousins were just being awful. She seemed to feel better after we talked for a while, and I told her she’s always welcome to talk to me about “girl stuff.”

After chatting with Emma, she did fill Dan in on their conversation. She then asked Dan if she could take Emma shopping to get some clothes and also some new bras that had different options for padding. Dan figured that would be fine, and he did say he could go too, but she told Dan that wouldn’t be helpful it would probably be upsetting to Emma. The very next day, Dan stayed home while she took Emma shopping.

Then, she ended up texting Eve to tell her that she had taken Emma shopping, and she also told Eve about what Emma’s cousins had said to Emma. Well, Eve sent her a ridiculously long text back, chastizing her for talking to Emma about her body, as Eve felt it was only her place to have those conversations.

Eve continued to say it was only her place, as Emma’s mom, to discuss certain topics with Emma, and then she threw it in her face that she wouldn’t get it because she didn’t have kids.

“I told her that if I had known this was important to her, I would’ve reached out to her and let her handle it… but I was only trying to help Emma, a child that I love dearly,” she said.

“It was pretty clear that her feelings were hurt that she missed a milestone with Emma and that she doesn’t trust me. Dan says that she’s just inventing problems, but I can’t help but feel like even if I had good intentions, I might have accidentally overstepped.”

Do you think she crossed a line by inviting Emma to go shopping for bras?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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