
She Wanted To Buy Her Nephew A Cheap Christmas Gift Because His Parents Are Poor, And Her Husband Was Appalled By Her Selfishness

Tetiana Moish - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Every Christmas season, this woman and her husband purchase gifts for all of the kids in their family.

Her husband is currently a stay-at-home dad who does not collect an income. She, on the other hand, is a college graduate with a good job– so the couple is financially comfortable.

Her husband and his family are also minority immigrants who mostly work labor jobs, and there are six kids in total for whom they had to purchase Christmas gifts.

The oldest child, who is nineteen, was allocated a gift budget of above one hundred dollars.

“We spend the most on him because we got custody of him at fifteen and raised him,” she said.

Her child receives gifts valued at about forty dollars, and then a sibling group of cousins– who are ten, six, and two– all receive gifts that cost between thirty and thirty-five dollars each.

Next, there is one six-year-old only child who she and her husband opted to spend forty-five dollars on since, apparently, the child’s parents also buy them gifts.

And finally, the last child is a twelve-year-old boy whose family immigrated to the United States a few months ago.

The boy reportedly does not have an easy life since he does not speak English and currently shares a one-bedroom with both of his parents.

Tetiana Moish – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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