
This Hilarious TikTok Video About A Woman Wanting To Go Home After Being On Vacation With Her Family Has Inspired Us To Give You 5 Essential Tips You Need For Surviving Your Next Family Vacation

Everyone can contribute their own activity or two and agree on when they will take place. So, once the vacation comes, there is no excuse to be anything but a happy camper.

Pick Your Battles

Disagreements are inevitable when dealing with family. Perhaps you and your sibling fight like a cat and dog, or your parents are a bit too opinionated about your life choices.

Regardless of the situation, though, it is important to choose when and where you put your foot down. So while “fighting nice” may not feel good in the moment, it will prevent situations from escalating and totally ruining the rest of your trip.

Schedule “Me Time”

Going away with family does not have to mean you are constantly with them. If you do not take any time for yourself, your patience will boil over exponentially more quicker.

Instead, make plans to do something you enjoy by yourself. That could mean visiting a tourist attraction or even just scheduling a nap on the beach.

Whatever it is, it will help give your mind some peace and quiet. Then, when you reunite with your family again, you will actually be happy to see them.

Prioritize Interactive Activities 

You can only have so many conversations about your job, relationship, or the weather. The odds are that family chats on the beach or around a campfire will eventually run dry. So, hands-on activities and games can keep the fun flowing without being too forced.

Perhaps pack some cards or board games for those evening nights back at the hotel. Or, check out what your destination has to offer.

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