
He Used To Hook Up With His Girlfriend’s Dad, But Nobody Knows, And Now Her Dad Is Trying To Pay Him A Ton Of Money To Dump Her Before Christmas So It Stays A Secret

Dmitry Tsvetkov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 26-year-old guy is currently in a relationship with his girlfriend, and she’s 25-years-old. They have been exclusive for just about a year now, and he’s positive she’s the girl of his dreams and the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

His girlfriend is incredibly supportive of his interests and goals, and she loves him for who he is. She’s also incredibly sweet and a wonderful human being.

Now, he is bi, but his girlfriend is completely straight. Her family also happens to not like anyone who isn’t straight, as they are ultra-conservative.

She asked him if he would like to meet her family as she pointed all of this out to him, and he said that he would like to meet them.

He just figured he would never mention to them that he’s really bi and that there would never be a problem.

“The big day arrived, and we were welcomed by her mother at the door,” he explained. “The mother guided us to the living room. My girlfriend’s siblings and her dad were already sitting on the couch.”

“My girlfriend introduced me to every family member. Her dad looked familiar to me, but I couldn’t remember where I have seen this guy before.”

“I just ignored these thoughts and focused on having good conversations with her family. Everything went well, and I felt like I left a good impression on her family.”

After spending time with his girlfriend’s family, he gave her a ride back to her apartment, and he ended up sleeping over.

Dmitry Tsvetkov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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