
Her Older Sister Has Blamed Their Mom And Dad’s Divorce On A Superstition About Roses For Decades, So She Finally Got Sick Of It And Revealed That The Divorce Was Due To Their Father Being A Serial Cheater

So, ever since then, Jan will periodically bring up the idea that “roses are cursed” every few years. But, this is apparently only one of the myths that really upset Jan. In fact, she admitted to not even being able to keep track of everything that Jan believes is cursed.

“She also thinks dates that end in a one or two are cursed, blue trucks on the highway are cursed, different types of food, and a bunch of other stuff nobody should be expected to remember,” she explained.

This past weekend, though, it was her mom’s birthday. And for the occasion, they all got together for a brunch coordinated by her mom’s boyfriend.

Now, she was not thinking about anything– specifically Jan’s superstitions– except what would make her mom happy that day.

So, she ended up purchasing a flower arrangement that included some roses and bringing it to the brunch.

Of course, her mom absolutely loved the bouquet, and she placed it on the counter in the kitchen. Then, Jan showed up later with her family, and all hell broke loose.

At first, Jan apparently walked into the birthday celebration “all smiles.” About an hour later, though, her sister walked into the kitchen, saw the flowers, and supposedly let out a “bloodcurdling wail.”

Finally, Jan started hysterically crying about how the roses were cursed and screaming that the flowers had “made mommy divorce daddy.”

Then, she apparently became the center of Jan’s attention and actually got accused of cursing the whole family just by bringing roses into the house on their mom’s birthday.

Honestly, though, she was sick and tired of having Jan blame their family’s problems on superstition. So, she finally snapped and told Jan the truth.

“I said mom and dad got divorced because dad was banging his way through our whole zip code in the 90s,” she said.

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