
His Brother Got Him An Expensive Bottle Of Whiskey For His Birthday Even Though He Is 6 Years Sober, So He Threw It Out, And Now His Whole Family Is Furious With Him 

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This forty-year-old man is currently divorced. But, he had two children with his ex-wife, who are now teenagers– a seventeen-year-old son and a fourteen-year-old daughter.

He has also since started dating again and has a girlfriend whom he shares an apartment with.

Anyway, his fortieth birthday was actually just last week. So, to celebrate the occasion, his entire family went over to his apartment last Saturday.

The guests included his parents, some aunts and uncles, cousins, his three brothers, his two children, and his girlfriend’s fifteen-year-old son, who lives with him and his girlfriend.

Now, it is important to note that he is a recovered alcoholic who has been sober for about six years at this point. And getting to this milestone has not been easy.

“Alcohol absolutely ruined my life. It destroyed my marriage and nuked my relationship with my kids for years,” he explained.

So obviously, he does not want to be anywhere near alcoholic beverages. In fact, he actually does not allow any alcohol in his home at all– no matter who it is for. He simply refuses to serve it or tolerate it within his own space.

And apparently, his entire family knew about both his tumultuous history with alcohol as well as his “dry house” rule way before the party.

For whatever reason, though, his brother still decided to buy him an extremely fancy bottle of whiskey as his birthday gift.

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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