
A Beginner’s Guide For Those Looking To Try Their Hand At Tarot Card Reading

Thereafter, there are 56 other cards that are split up into four suits– which include Pentacles, Swords, Wands, and Cups.

Simply knowing what each card means is arguably one of the least important preparative steps a beginner can take when diving into the world of tarot, though. So, below, let’s run through some must-know tips for newbies who are looking to test their hands at tarot.

Stay In Touch With Your Intuition

Tarot is highly dependent upon your intuition. This means that whenever you shuffle and pull cards, you should stop at cards that just feel “right” for some unknown reason. Then, while reading those cards, you should interpret their meanings based on whatever strikes you the most. In turn, having trust in yourself and your intuition is crucial.

So, before you begin a tarot session, be sure that you are feeling relaxed and in tune with your body. Some choose to meditate before a session, while others light a scented candle that sets a calm aura in the room. Do whatever you need to do to calm down and feel at peace.

Start With An Open-Ended Question

Since tarot cards are often used to provide clarity on a specific subject matter, many people opt to approach their deck with a question. But, you should try to ask something that is open-ended as opposed to a yes or no question. That way, the cards represent the start of a story rather than a dead end.

For instance, if you are looking for love, stay away from questions like “Will I ever find a partner?” Instead, ask what you can do to attract a partner. Or, you can inquire about what challenges are standing in the way between you and a happy romance.

Then, keep your question in your mind while you shuffle and choose the cards.

Before Googling, Look Inward

After pulling a spread of cards, it will probably be tempting to hop on Google and look up exactly what they mean. Before you dive down that rabbit hole, though, try to think about what the cards mean to you.

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