
He Went On A Tech-Free Weekend Trip With His Friend, But His Wife Wouldn’t Stop Contacting Him, So He Turned His Phone Off And Never Knew That His Sister-In-Law Got Into A Car Accident

According to him, she basically demanded that he take his phone along just in case she needed to get ahold of him– despite the fact that she had his friend’s number.

Then, after he informed his wife that they had arrived safely, he claimed that she would not stop texting her and asking how things were going.

He did not answer every text, though, so she would reportedly keep asking him questions after he did not respond to the earlier ones. So, eventually, he got sick of his phone buzzing and decided to mute their text conversation.

But a few hours later, he received a pretty angry call from his wife. Apparently, she asked why he was not responding to any of her texts anymore.

“And I reiterated that this was supposed to be a no-phone weekend and kept the call short, despite her trying to drag out the conversation,” he recalled.

Regardless, it appears that his wife still did not get it after that– because she called him again one more time after that conversation.

Then, once he answered and found out it was not an emergency, he decided to just turn off his phone altogether.

At that point, his friend’s phone also started receiving a bunch of calls from his wife. So, his friend followed suit, turned off his cell, and together, they spent the rest of the weekend with their phones off until they drove back home on Monday.

Well, on Monday, he decided to call his wife when he was 30 minutes away from their house. And if you could not have guessed, she was beyond furious.

His wife was not just furious about his lack of communication, though. Apparently, she revealed that there actually had been an emergency while he was away, and she could not get through to him.

More specifically, his wife’s sister had been in a car accident. And even though the accident will not affect his sister-in-law in the long term, the accident still resulted in some broken bones.

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