Her Boyfriend Won’t Stop Texting Her About How Great She Is, And It Really Bothers Her

Ulia Koltyrina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Ulia Koltyrina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman has been dating her 33-year-old boyfriend for 4 months now, and she confesses that she really doesn’t have a lot of experience when it comes to relationships (in fact, she really hasn’t seriously dated a lot of guys at all).

She and her boyfriend text one another every single day, but they only spend time with each other maybe one time per week.

Every time a text conversation with her boyfriend comes to a close, he goes on and on about how great she is.

He will tell her that she’s amazing and deserves happiness and that he’s so happy he has met her.

If her boyfriend only said these things to her on occasion, she would be alright with it, but it happens on a daily basis, and it bothers her so much.

Part of the reason why this bothers her is that she has terrible self-esteem, which she has been able to hide from him, but there’s another reason, too: it kind of comes across as fake.

“It loses its effect when it’s so, so constant,” she explained. “It also makes it feel disingenuous when I try to respond to these things with “I feel the same.”

“And I’m quickly running out of ways to say “thank you.” I say nice things about him a normal amount when it feels more natural to do so. He told me his “love language” is “words of affirmation.”

She had to stop and search for what love languages are, as she had never heard someone say that before.

Ulia Koltyrina – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Right now, she can see how love languages matter to people, but she’s worried that if she does break the news to him that she doesn’t like him saying certain things to her, it will make him pull back.

She likes her boyfriend a lot, and she really wants to continue their relationship; not being on the same page love language-wise is not a deal-breaker for her.

But still, she’s left wondering if there’s a way she can address the situation with her boyfriend.

“Should I just give in and let him say all of these things to me, even when I feel like he’s overusing the phrases and making them lose all meaning?” she wondered.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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