Her Friend Kicked Her Boyfriend Out And Then Tried To Get Her To Help Her Be A Parent To Her Newborn Baby

Ulia Koltyrina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Ulia Koltyrina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 19-year-old girl has a 23-year-old friend named Jess, who just became a mom pretty recently.

One day, Jess called her up and pleaded with her to go to the store and pick up baby formula and a couple of other things, as she was exhausted and not up to doing it.

She said yes, went to the store, and grabbed everything that Jess needed. She then stopped by Jess’s place to drop everything off.

While she was with Jess, she said that she would be happy to feed the baby so that Jess could hop in the shower and make dinner for herself.

Jess was thrilled that she offered this, and it was about 4:15 in the afternoon when this all happened.

Now, she knows that Jess’s boyfriend comes home from work every day at 5:30, so when it got closer to 5 and Jess had already showered and eaten, she questioned Jess if she would be fine by herself until her boyfriend arrived so she could leave.

“She tells me she kicked him out because he went to visit his mother whilst he had the baby, and he hadn’t asked her first,” she explained.

“I should be clear that I don’t have kids and never intend to, and so I cannot pretend to know what goes through a new parent’s head, but I found that whole thing so ridiculous.”

“I said that’s so stupid of her because he clearly loves her and baby…Jess got mad and said I don’t get it.”

Ulia Koltyrina – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Well, then she sat there beside Jess silently for a couple of minutes, but then Jess wanted to know if she could come back tomorrow to help her out with the baby again.

She declined to help Jess, and then Jess got upset with her before wanting to know why she couldn’t help her.

She didn’t hold back and said to Jess that she should literally beg her boyfriend to come home since the baby is their burden.

She informed Jess that she would be happy to help out on occasion, but it’s not her job to play parent to the baby, especially since the baby already has a dad who wants to be there.

“She told me to leave but then texted me a few times later that day asking what days I was free the next week so she could get work done,” she said.

“I told her I love her, but she needs to get her act together and sort it out with her boyfriend. She then went to the group chat and began asking our other friends for help and ‘accidentally’ mentioned what I had said to her.”

All of their friends now think she’s absolutely terrible, so she’s beginning to think perhaps she is for what she said to Jess.

Do you think it was mean of her to tell Jess she can’t play the role of another parent to her baby, and it’s not on her to be expected to fill in like that?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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