
She Says Her Husband’s Snoring Has Gotten So Bad, It’s Literally Ruining Their Marriage

Maridav - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman and her 30-year-old husband have spent the past 7 years together, but now there’s something that’s come between them, and she says it’s literally ruining their marriage: her husband’s snoring.

Her husband has snored as long as she has known him, but in the beginning, her husband snored badly only when he was sick.

Over the years, her husband’s snoring has gotten worse, and now it’s to the point where she just can’t deal.

Her husband has tried nose strips, and he even got a mouth guard that his dentist gave him, but those things never helped his snoring.

She and her husband have also tried putting a humidifier in their bedroom, but that hasn’t helped either.

Her husband has also experimented with sleeping on his back or on his side, but that doesn’t fix his snoring, let alone lessen it.

She finally came across a video of different exercises you can try with your tongue in an effort to help solve snoring, but even though she sent it to her husband, he wasn’t invested in trying that out.

“He makes some effort, but I don’t think he understands what this is doing to me,” she explained. “I hate sleeping next to him, and it makes me hate being in our bed together at all.”

She is completely exhausted all the time from lack of sleep, and she also is beginning to harbor animosity towards her husband for not being able to sleep for hours on end every night.

Maridav – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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