
She Went On A Nature Walk Alone One Day, And She’s Pretty Sure Someone Then Followed Her Home And Tried To Break Into Her House

finwal89 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Nature walks are known to be relaxing, serene, and peaceful. But have you ever encountered someone kind of creepy while in the woods? Has anyone ever followed you in the woods?

A woman once had experienced a scary string of events after going on a nature walk a few years ago.

Earlier in the day, she went on a nature trail near her home. Around midnight, she was lying in her bed and scrolling on her phone when she heard a knocking sound coming from her bedroom window.

“I first shrugged it off as being a squirrel or something until I heard the same sounds again,” she explains.

She quickly called her father, who told her that she had nothing to worry about. But while she was talking to him, she heard the same knocking noise.

This time, it was right at the front door. That doesn’t seem like something a squirrel would do!

She thought that maybe it was her brother trying to get into the house. But when she called out his name, there was no response.

At this point, she was really panicking. As if things couldn’t get any worse, the chaos then moved to the back door of the house.

She could hear someone clearly trying to break in. Thankfully the door was locked, and her dog began barking, which scared off the mysterious intruder.

finwal89 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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