She’s Letting Her Friend Live With Her Until They Get Back On Their Feet, But Her Friend Keeps Turning Her Thermostat Up And Claiming That She Keeps Her House “Freezing Cold”

This 28-year-old woman currently lives alone with her two cats in a small home that she inherited from her family. And honestly, she absolutely loves the cold weather.
This is primarily because she has a health condition that causes her to overheat quite easily. Plus, with the overheating comes a lot of sweat– which arguably no one ever finds “comfortable.”
So, she tends to keep her house at a brisk 63 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, whenever she has some guests visiting, which she admitted is not often, she opts to bump the thermostat up to 72 degrees– for their comfort, not hers.
But, in those instances, her visitors have normally only stayed for a few hours or one full day max. Just recently, though, she welcomed a much more long-term guest.
Apparently, one of her friends, who is 29, recently became homeless due to circumstances that were reportedly outside of their control.
And since she considered herself to be fairly close with her friend, she offered to let them stay in her guest bedroom until they found somewhere else to live.
Now, for the first month that they lived together, she always kept her house at 72 degrees for her friend. However, she quickly realized that her friend kept turning the temperature even higher– up to 75 degrees, to be exact.
“It was very uncomfortable for me, but I dealt with it,” she recalled.
It has now been about six weeks since her friend moved in, though, and she decided that she just could not stand the high temperatures anymore.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
So, she finally told her friend that she would be turning the thermostat back down to 68 degrees. She also asked her friend to please not touch the thermostat anymore.
And honestly, she figured that 68 degrees was a fair compromise. At that temperature, she could get back to being at least semi-comfortable and deal with it until her friend got back on their feet. Moreover, her friend would not have to live at her typical temperature preference of 63 degrees.
Surprisingly, though, her friend reportedly ended up throwing an “absolute fit.” Apparently, her friend claimed that 68 degrees was “not liveable” and even said that they had a “right” to be comfortable.
She was completely taken aback by that, too, and decided to remind her friend that they were living at her house rent-free.
Still, her friend seemingly did not care and claimed that it did not matter. Moreover, she got accused of being a total jerk for expecting her friend to live in “freezing cold temperatures.”
So, they continued arguing, and her friend tried to insist that 75 degrees was “normal;” meanwhile, 68 degrees was insane. Nonetheless, she just wanted to move past this disagreement and attempted to come up with even more compromises.
For instance, she offered to buy her friend a heater to keep inside the guest room.
“But [my friend] said she deserves to be comfortable in the whole house, not be ‘trapped’ in one room,” she revealed.
Anyway, up until that point, she really did not mind having her friend living with her and had never given her friend a move-out timeline. Following this disagreement, though, that all changed.
She ultimately told her friend that it would probably be best if they moved out within the next month or so– because, obviously, the arrangement was not comfortable for either of them.
Quite frankly, though, that suggestion only made her friend even more upset. And now, she is pretty torn.
On the one hand, she believes she proposed some pretty reasonable compromises, especially given the fact that she is helping her friend out right now. On the other hand, though, she knows that she likes to keep her home “unusually” cold.
So, she has been left wondering whether keeping her home “freezing cold” while her friend lives with her actually makes her a total jerk or not.
Do you think 68 degrees is a reasonable temperature for a home? Should her friend have any thermostat input if they are living at her home rent-free? Do you believe she tried to come up with fair compromises, or could she have done more? If you had been in her shoes, how would you have handled this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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