
These Five Tips On How To Forge A Happy Marriage Are Priceless

“Absolutely– this is the way. When we were married, the minister told us always hold space for just the two of us, even over children. This advice has served us well. A happy marriage equals a happy family and children.” –Martinispecialist

Never Stop Dating

Your spouse that is. After you pass the “newlywed” phase and enter the real throes of marriage, your relationship might start to feel more transactional than romantic. Discussions about the mortgage and lawn care are not exactly aphrodisiacs, right?

So, keep the “spark” alive by never letting it fade in the first place. Going out on dates– whether they be simple dinners or brand-new adventures– allows you to keep things exciting and make memories with your partner. And isn’t that really what a life together is all about?

“Never stop dating your spouse.” –Senishte1992

Remember The Three C’s

Communication, compromise, and commitment are key. Let’s break them down.

Fostering open communication is important in all relationships, but arguably most important in romantic ones.

How can you ever be sure of your partner’s feelings or if you are on the same page if you do not talk freely? There should be no “off-limit” zones in your communication, and you should be able to discuss anything judgment-free.

Sure, this may take some patience– especially if your partner is trying to point out flaws or things that bring them unhappiness in your relationship.

But getting upset about what they have to say will help no one. Instead, being receptive, hearing them out, and implementing necessary changes is the only surefire way to squash any issues.

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