
This New Study Uncovered A Link Between Better Education And Stronger Gut Health

“The results support education as a possible avenue for reducing the risk of gut disorders by, for example, encouraging higher educational attainment or a possible increase in the length of schooling,” said Dr. Emmanuel Adewuyi, the study’s lead researcher.

Adewuyi also added that policy efforts– which aim to increase cognitive training or educational attainment– may lead to a collective higher level of intelligence and, ultimately, stronger health outcomes that include a lowered risk of gut disorders.

Interestingly, though, the study’s findings did not stop there and actually revealed that the gut may influence the brain as well. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was found to cause cognitive function decline among numerous cognitive traits analyzed in the study– including cognitive performance, educational attainment, intelligence, and educational qualification.

And despite this being the first study to report such a finding, the results do support recent research, which has reported higher incidence rates of GERD and dementia.

So now, the discovery of this link may help lead to earlier diagnoses and other treatment options.

“GERD may be a risk factor for cognitive impairment, so it is important for health workers to look for signs and symptoms of cognitive dysfunction in patients presenting with the gut disorder,” Dr. Adewuyi said.

Still, further studies are needed to determine whether or not the treatment, cure, or remission of GERD has the potential to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

To read the study’s complete findings, which have since been published in MDPI, visit the link here.

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