
Everything You Need To Know About The Strength Card And What It Means During Tarot Card Readings

Most often, people conduct tarot readings by first asking an open-ended question regarding one area of their life. So, if you partake in a career-focused reading and you pull the Strength card upright, you may be getting a bold sign.

More specifically, the card may indicate that it is time for you to make some big moves in your career. That may be seeking a promotion, changing jobs, or taking a step back from work altogether.

The key here is to explore how your “big career move” is aligned with your passions, values, and integrity. Also, recognize that you have the power and strength to make whatever you want a reality– as long as you have your own back.

On the flip side, if you pull the Strength card in reverse, then you may be experiencing some professional or financial situations that are challenging you, draining you, or causing you to feel unstable.

So, the card might be urging you to seek stability by identifying the people, places, or things that help anchor you in life.

Strength Card: In Love & Relationships

If you draw the Strength card during a reading about your love life or your relationship, it means that you must follow your heart. And for different people, this can mean drastically different things.

For some, following your heart might be finally tying the knot and saying, “I do.” For others, it could mean that it is time for you to take a break and prioritize yourself.

Either way, these decisions will require you to have courage. Yes, following your heart may seem vulnerable and scary. But it is important to remember that what you truly desire lies on the other side of your fear, and you are the only person holding yourself back from attaining what you want.

Suppose you pull the Strength card in reverse, though. In these instances, it may have a very different meaning. In fact, this card in reverse may indicate that you are actually concealing parts of yourself instead of opening yourself up to romantic possibilities.

In other words, you need to practice some inner mind work. Learn to embrace all parts of yourself and focus on self-love before heading into a romantic endeavor. Then, you will be open-hearted and much more present rather than trying to hide.

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