
He Didn’t Go To His Son’s Wedding, Because He Spent The Night Taking His Son’s Ex Wife Out, And His Son Is Accusing Him Of Betrayal

So, his son’s wife, who he calls his daughter-in-law to this day, had nowhere to go and no family to help her out.

His daughter-in-law also had no friends in their town, so he and his wife knew they had to step in to help her. He and his wife got her and their grandchildren an apartment close to where they live since his daughter-in-law could not afford to do this.

Anyway, before his son’s divorce was final, he got an invitation to his son’s wedding in the mail, and he was surprised.

He informed his son that he would not be going to his wedding, and he also pointed out that he didn’t condone his new marriage at all.

As for his wife, she turned around and told his son that she would convince him to go to the wedding in the end.

He didn’t budge one bit, though; he refused to even consider going, and then he also banned his son’s new wife from coming to their house because it wasn’t respectful to his daughter-in-law.

His son got married 6 days ago, and his wife did end up going while he stayed home, despite his wife trying to get him to change his mind.

“Our daughter also did not attend for the same reasons,” he said. “My wife picked up our grandkids, got them dressed, and attended the wedding.”

“My daughter and I decided to spend the evening with his ex. I couldn’t imagine her sitting alone while her kids attended their father’s wedding. She was taken aback that I didn’t end up attending his wedding.”

“We took her out to distract her mind. I just wanted her to know she’ll always be considered family to us. My daughter also made a joke they can drop the in-law status and just be sisters now. She was very tearfully grateful, I realized just how badly she needed our support and, specifically, on that night.”

The following day, his son phoned him up to berate him for being a bad dad since he skipped out on the wedding entirely.

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