
He Dumped His Girlfriend Because Her Dad Is A Terrible Person, And All She Did Was Excuse His Bad Behavior

His girlfriend’s dad is just a terrible person and even acts mean to his girlfriend too. His girlfriend’s dad is always irate, and yet his girlfriend always finds a way to excuse his bad behavior.

Some of the excuses his girlfriend has come up with, by the way, are downright crazy.

“She can’t say anything negative about her precious daddy, and I just can’t understand her acceptance and condoning of his verbal abuse,” he said.

“I finally had enough when he yelled at and made…comments towards me multiple times on Christmas…Day of all days. I love her to death, but I cannot have this man in my life anymore, and I certainly don’t want him around our kids if we were to have them in the future. He has such a stronghold over her and is very controlling (having access to her bank account, tracking her location at all times, etc.).”

“None of this is normal or okay with me, but she just won’t set healthy boundaries or stand up to him, and I’m just done with this being my life. It’s such a sad reason to break up because she’s truly a wonderful and caring person, and we do still both love each other, but I feel like (he) destroyed something wonderful, and I’ve built up so much anger and resentment towards both of them that this relationship with her can’t be salvaged.”

So, he dumped his girlfriend, and he still is in love with her, but he can’t see a way to be with her.

What do you think about this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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