
He Encouraged A Young Woman To Go Back To College Instead Of Working Full Time As A Cleaner, But After She Agreed, Her Family Accused Him Of Overstepping

“I have a friend working in a company that is Jane’s field of study. If she keeps her grades up, she could get an internship there and then go into bigger positions at bigger companies,” he explained.

He also asked Jane if she was interested in the opportunity– because, honestly, he believes that she has a ton of potential that is being suppressed.

At first, though, Jane was not so sure– claiming she still needed to work. Apparently, Jane’s older sister was planning on getting married and moving away soon.

So, Jane would be forced to remain close by to help transport her siblings from school and other childcare responsibilities.

So, he tried to offer a solution. More specifically, he suggested that Jane find a “casual” job– such as in fast food– to work while completing her studies.

And even though she would not be making as much money, she would still be studying and working toward a more lucrative end goal.

“There’s also school buses and other options for her siblings if she can’t make it,” he added.

Once Jane heard him out, she said that she would think about it. Then, just last week, Jane revealed how she did want to go back to school and planned to finish up her studies.

While he was ecstatic for her, though, it appears that not everyone in Jane’s family felt the same way.

Instead, he actually received a call from Jane’s older sister, who told him off. Apparently, he got accused of “putting all these ideas” in Jane’s head and making her believe that she was “hot stuff.”

Jane’s sister also claimed it was not his place to stick his head into their business, among other things.

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