
Her Best Friend And Roommate Invited Someone Else To Live With Them Without Asking Her, So She Really Wants To Move Out Without Telling Him That She’s Leaving

dianagrytsku - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I don’t think I’ve met someone who has never had a single issue with all or one of their roommates.

It’s a relationship that requires a lot of communication and patience, and if you share a space with someone long enough, you’re bound to have at least one conflict at some point. 

One woman is ready to move out after her roommate decided to invite someone else to live with them without her permission. 

She’s 26-years-old and lives with her 27-year-old male best friend, who she calls W. They’ve been good friends for 10 years.

They’ve been living together for almost 2 years, and things had been going pretty well. There were occasional conflicts but no major fights. That is, until a few days ago. 

Out of the blue, W brought up the idea of bringing in a third roommate to live with them. 

“I gave him a clear answer of no,” she said. “I’m not comfortable with that for a couple of reasons, such as we only have one bathroom, and this other roommate would be male.”

She is currently sleeping in the smallest bedroom, and W tried to sweeten the idea of bringing in a third roommate by offering her the largest room. They dropped the conversation until he brought it up a few days later. This time, it was not a discussion.

W said that he had talked to this third roommate and that he “seemed serious,” so he was trying to figure out when he would move in. 

dianagrytsku – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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