
His Teenage Daughter Is Battling Mental Health Struggles And Had Been Spending All Day And All Night On Her Computer, So He Began Changing The WiFi Password Every Day, And His Daughter Now “Hates Him”

She is constantly on them, and no matter how much he tells Kim that it is important to spend time off the screen, she reportedly insists that the devices are not causing her problems.

So, eventually, he decided to take matters into his own hands and began frequently changing his home’s WiFi password to one that only he and his wife knew.

He actually changes the password every single night before they go to sleep. Then, he does not change the password back until both he and his wife get home from work.

And if you could not have guessed, Kim was not happy about this whatsoever. In fact, she used up all of their family plan data in under a week– forcing him to change the plan in order to restrict Kim’s usage.

At first, his wife was also on board with his idea and agreed that Kim was spending way too much time online.

Once Kim became upset, blew through the data, and threw a “gigantic tantrum,” though, his wife started to have second thoughts.

Apparently, Kim tried to argue that if he and his wife wanted her to do schoolwork at home, then she would need the internet.

Honestly, though, he pointed out how his daughter’s argument was a moot point– since she was not really doing any work anyway.

Then, Kim reportedly tried to claim that she needed the internet in order to access her support network.

But, he rebutted that argument, too– and reminded his daughter that they take her to therapy and counseling in person.

He also admitted that maybe if it felt like she put more effort into those sources of support, then she would make more progress.

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