
She Made The Guest Table Centerpieces For Her Friend’s Wedding But Realized The Bridal Table Centerpieces Were More Extravagant, So She Actually Accused Her Friend Of Trying To Upstage Her

“I’ll be honest that I felt kind of betrayed because her centerpieces were much nicer than mine, and people would ask about those, not the ones on the guest tables,” she revealed.

Now, obviously, she knew ahead of time that the bridal centerpieces were being taken care of since she was not asked to make them.

However, she apparently believed that Sadie had gotten a vendor to make them. But, since Sadie decided to make them herself, she took it really personally.

“Making them herself just felt a bit like she was trying to show, ‘Oh, look at how great I make these,’ kind of thing,” she vented.

“I’m not surprised the bridal table’s centerpieces are more extravagant; I am surprised that she made them. Even if it was another vendor, I think it would have been fine. But making them herself feels like a kick to me.”

So, after the wedding, she actually thought it would be appropriate to text Sadie about the centerpieces.

More specifically, she explained how it felt like Sadie had “undermined” her efforts by displaying “such showy centerpieces” on the bridal table.

After receiving that message, Sadie claimed that it was never her intention to undermine the guest table centerpieces. Instead, the bridal centerpieces just went well with the other decor.

Still, she did not really accept the bride’s explanation and had the nerve to tell Sadie that she either should have been upfront about the bridal table or displayed the same centerpieces as the guest tables.

Once she said that, though, Sadie started to get really frustrated and told her there was nothing to be “upfront” about. After all, it was Sadie’s own wedding!

Sadie also accused her of overstepping, but she still did not understand that and felt like Sadie was just trying to overshadow her work.

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