She Walked Out Of Her Friend’s Wedding After Her Friend Made Some Mean Comments About Her Psoriasis

This 24-year-old girl has psoriasis, and it’s across her entire body. Her psoriasis doesn’t really go past her neck, though she has a few areas on her face close to where her ears are.
It kind of looks like vitiligo, the autoimmune disorder that makes your skin looks like patches of different colors.
She uses a special cream with medication in it to help stop how dry and itchy her skin is, but that does not help her with the humiliation she feels.
“I’ve always been pretty embarrassed as I cannot cake on enough makeup to truly cover my psoriasis as it is textured and thick, and on top of that, no matter what I do or however I attempt to apply said makeup, it always looks horrible, my doctor also recommended not to smother the areas with makeup as it tends to make it worse and itchier,” she explained.
“Anyways, onto the story. My friend’s wedding was on Saturday, and of course, I was invited. I bought a dress that would cover my body fairly well as I really didn’t want to draw any attention to myself.”
“The entire week leading up to the wedding, I was continuously testing concealers on the remaining spots that were exposed, which only made me itchy and I basically scratched my skin raw. With psoriasis, those areas sometimes bleed if I scratch too much, which is what happened.”
Her boyfriend was her plus-one to her friend’s wedding, and he commented to her that she shouldn’t get upset about her skin and that she should quit attempting to cover her psoriasis because it wasn’t doing her any good.
She knew he was right, so she did stop trying to find something that would make her skin less noticeable.
The day of her friend’s wedding arrived, and she and her boyfriend had a nice time. She was so excited that her friend found the man of her dreams, but then her friend asked to speak to her during the cocktail hour.

olegparylyak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Her friend then questioned her about if she was going to try to hide her psoriasis, which did surprise her.
“I was a little taken aback and explained I couldn’t as the entire week I had been testing concealers, and it made it 20 times worse,” she said.
“She told me she didn’t care and that this was her wedding, and she didn’t want her guests asking me questions or feeling queasy during dinner.”
“My boyfriend stepped in and told her if that was the case, we would be leaving and not attending the rest of the wedding.”
Her friend was furious as she and her boyfriend did make their exit. Now, her friend won’t stop sounding off on their mutual friends about her walking out.
She’s left wondering if leaving her friend’s wedding really was the best choice. What do you think?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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