
She Works In Tech And Is Terrified Of Being Laid Off, But After She Revealed Her Fears To Her Dad, How He Reacted Made Her Cry

Victoria Chudinova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman currently works in the tech industry as a product manager, and she’s honestly terrified of being laid off, considering the state of the industry.

Several months back, the company she is employed with had a round of layoffs, and since then, she’s been left worried that she’s going to be next.

The layoffs made her feel like she had no power over her career at all, and she still can’t shake her feelings of extreme anxiety.

She also happens to be someone at her company with not a whole lot of experience, so that adds to her thinking she might be part of another round of layoffs since everyone is convinced that’s coming soon.

Anyway, this weekend, she was supposed to go on a little road trip with her dad, so she drove to his house to have dinner with him beforehand.

While having dinner with her dad, he questioned her about how things with her job are, and she revealed to him that she’s terrified she’s going to lose her job.

While her stepmom was sensitive and compassionate towards her, her dad was the total opposite.

“I feel like he reacted really dismissively (“you’re blowing it out of proportion; here have been many downturns before, and it ended up fine,” “you need to be more chill,” “women overworry so much,” etc.),” she explained.

“I tried to explain to him that I know my anxiety about the situation might be out of proportion, but it’s how I’m feeling and it’s just been bothering me a lot.”

Victoria Chudinova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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