
The Spiritual Meaning Behind The Color Blue, And How To Make This Hue Work For You In Everyday Life

Now, you might be wondering why color symbolism even matters. Well, if we look inward and assess the presence of blue in various areas of our life, we might be able to gain more insight into our current situations.

Blue’s Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual implications of blue heavily depend on the context where the hue is present. So, let’s break down a few common circumstances.

If you dream about the color blue, for instance, this theme could have a variety of implications for your current emotional state. The most common blue dreams involve water, and water dreams tend to reflect our subconscious feelings.

So, are you dreaming of clear water or murky water? Are the waves calm or turbulent? Finally, what shade is the water– light and sparkling or dark and cloudy? These details can give you insight into how you are feeling about a life event, relationship, or unraveling situation.

Another realm in which blue has abundant meaning is in romantic relationships. If you notice that the hue is pervasive in your love life, then you or your partner might actually have a blue aura. In other words, your relationship might be ripe with good communication.

This association stems from the fact that blue is tied to the truth– which relies on open communication and honesty. So, people who have blue auras tend to be creative, trustworthy, and calm people who are known to be good at showing love and giving comfort.

Finally, in terms of feng shui, blue can make or break your humble abode. Of course, the color is heavily tied to the sky, and our oceans– which means blue is often representative of wonder, vastness, calm, and peace.

At the same time, though, if you often feel lonely or down at home, blue may exacerbate these negative feelings. So, before you incorporate blue hues into your home decor, it is important to practice self-awareness and take stock of your current mental state.

How To Make Blue Work For You

There are many ways to bring blue into your life and unlock the color’s positive meanings.

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