
After A Second Date With A Guy, He Frighteningly Followed Her Home, And Then She Found Out That He Gave Her A Fake Last Name

Alexander Pekour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In an ideal world, if you go on a date with someone and you’re not feeling a connection by the end of the night, you can break things off, and that person will leave you alone.

This was not the case for one woman who was creepily followed by a guy after her second date with him.

She explains that she’s had poor online dating experiences in the past, so she tends to be super paranoid about who she meets on the internet.

But after her sister and best friend met guys on a dating app that’s supposed to be great at deleting catfish profiles, she figured she was safe to try it. 

She met a guy on there who she ended up texting every day for three weeks. 

“For the first time ever, I did not stalk his social media profiles because I wanted to stop self-sabotaging,” she said.

“I tend to dig so deep that I know too much before the date and have already made my decision that there will be no second date.”

So she went on a first date with him, and it went alright. He was a little quiet and shy. She wanted to get to know him even better, so she decided she’d go on a second date with him.

But right before they were supposed to get together, her paranoia kicked in again, and she worried about how she really didn’t know much about this guy. She realized that she never got his last name.

Alexander Pekour – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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