
Clover Lawns Are Trendy Right Now, And Here’s What You Need To Know About Them

Pros of a Clover Lawn

Clover lawns have several benefits. Overall, there’s less mowing, less watering, and no longer a need for fertilizers or pesticides.

You’ll only need to mow a few times a year since clover yards only grow two to eight inches tall. That’s quite an improvement from the weekly mowings required by grass lawns.

Clover doesn’t need much water to thrive because they’re drought-tolerant. So when your traditional grass lawn starts to dry out at the height of summer, clover will stay green through it all.

Additionally, clover lawns attract pollinators, which is a huge plus since their numbers are dwindling. A clover lawn provides a natural habitat for the bees and contributes to the growth of our ecosystem.

Cons of a Clover Lawn

But of course, just like anything else, clover lawns do come with their fair share of drawbacks. Blooming clover attracts bees, which we initially established as a good thing, but if you have a family member who’s allergic to bees, the stinging insects may be a hazard.

By itself, clover is easily crushed and does not hold up well to foot traffic like turfgrass. However, when combined with turfgrass, it makes a strong lawn.

Clover Lawn Maintenance

Clover lawns thrive in sandy soil with a pH between six and seven. Spring is the best time for planting them. Bury the clover seed in the ground and water daily for ten to fourteen days until it sprouts.

Once your field of clover is established, you don’t have much else to do. Just make sure your lawn receives four to six hours of sunlight per day, and it will take care of itself.

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