
Do You Need A Sleep Divorce? Here’s Why More Couples Are Choosing To Sleep Separately And Save Their Relationships

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer, Katharina Buczek.

Some partners might enjoy sleeping in the same bed together because they get to cuddle. But, what happens after that intimate time ends, your head hits the pillow, and you actually have to go to sleep?

Usually, a lot of blanket tugging, leg kicking, and complaining ensues. That’s why a growing number of couples have started to recognize the benefits of sleeping in separate beds.

You Might Need A “Sleep Divorce”

This separate bed trend has been coined “sleep divorce.” And while the term might sound pretty harsh, it sums up the idea quite literally.

After having honest conversations, more partners have agreed that they need some new sleep arrangements– more specifically, separate ones. This realization often comes after people realize their restful sleep is interrupted by having someone else in their bed.

Now, this may sound like a drastic idea– but rest assured that it is far from new. In fact, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip actually slept separately throughout the entirety of their marriage.

They realized how important true quality of sleep is. After all, how well we snooze can impact everything from our work and productivity to our relationships, motivation, and overall mental health.

So, ever since some couples have chosen to snooze separately, they have reported getting a better night’s rest. Plus, their personal relaxation time has even spilled over and positively impacted their relationship.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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