
Figure Out Your “Why” And Fantasize About What You Want, Instead Of Dwelling On What You Don’t Have, In Order To Bring Your Dreams To Life

The more that you revisit fantasies of your wants and how they would make you feel, the better your subconscious mind can become at making decisions in accordance with your dreams.

Your inner voice, too, can start to restructure its thinking patterns to help you stop feeling resentful or discontent and begin feeling inspired, motivated, and driven.

There is no doubt that achieving all of your wants is not as easy as just fantasizing about them. Of course, your goals will take dedication and hard work in order to really come to life.

But we fail to consider just how much of an impact our day-to-day thoughts have on this process. So by starting from within and reshaping our mindsets, we can take the first step toward proactively working toward our dreams.

A great daily exercise to kick off this habit is journaling. Whenever you have time, allocate ten minutes of your day to writing and daydreaming. Dedicate one page to each of your dreams or goals. Underneath, describe in detail exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you would feel if you got it.

Then, revisit these pages every day– particularly when you are having a tough moment and need a reminder of your purpose. This will help you remain clear-headed and motivated in the face of distracting life challenges.

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