
He Has Kept His Wealth A Secret From His Girlfriend, But Now That They’re Moving In Together And Discussing Marriage, He’s Not Sure How To Come Clean

Despite being very young at the time, though, he was ultimately promoted at the start-up quite quickly. So, he not only got a generous salary but even got an equity stake in the company.

Afterward, the business wound up growing rapidly, and he recalled feeling like a big fish in a little pond.

Then, by the time he reached his late twenties, the start-up was acquired, and he was relieved of his position. In the wake of the buy-out, though, he was left with a lot of money.

“I had a large severance in addition to the equity dumped in my lap. Plus, I had stock in the acquiring company,” he said.

Now, it was reportedly not enough money to “retire on a yacht” or even just retire immediately. Nonetheless, he worked with a financial advisor to save it safely.

So, it is more than enough money for him to live wherever he wants and work in whatever type of position that makes him happy– even if it does not pay well.

And as long as he keeps working in a position that he finds fulfilling, he will be financially secure for the rest of his life– living off the returns on his investments alone without even dipping into the principal balance.

The problem, though, is that none of his friends know about his financial situation. And neither does his girlfriend, Kate.

He claims that he was able to keep his wealth a secret because he does not live extravagantly. He lives in a nice place in a good neighborhood, but he doesn’t drive a fancy car, and he shops at Target.

He also doesn’t wear any expensive items like watches and never really splurges on expensive things. Well, except for a few solo vacations he has gone on– but he was able to chalk those expenses up to savings.

As for his girlfriend, he claimed that Kate comes from “a very modest background.”

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