
Her Friend Called Her Disrespectful For Bringing An “Unsuccessful” Man As Her Date To A Black-Tie Gala

And obviously, this made her feel bad for her date– because he seemingly felt awkward.

“But I think he warmed up as the night went on,” she recalled.

After the gala, her date also texted her and claimed to have a good time. Although, she realizes that he might have just been trying to be polite.

Regardless, her friend did not show her the same manners. Instead, she actually got accused of disrespecting the time and energy that her friend put into planning the gala by “picking up random guys off the street” to be her date.

On top of that, her friend told her that she was rude to her date by bringing him to the event– claiming that he “was not as successful as everyone else” and “obviously” felt ashamed and uncomfortable.

Once her friend told her all of this, she revealed how she basically apologized out of reflex– because, at first, she did feel bad for making her friend feel disrespected.

After she took more time to reflect on the situation, though, she started to think that her friend’s reaction was just over the line and really snobby. So now, she has been left wondering if bringing an “unsuccessful” guy to her friend’s black-tie gala actually made her a jerk or not.

Do you think she did the right thing by choosing a guy she was actually interested in as her date? Does it seem like her friend cares more about status and appearances than her actual happiness with a partner? Should she have ever apologized? If you were in her shoes, how would you move forward from this? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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