
Her Teen Son “Destroyed” A Classmate’s Pair Of Shoes Worth $700, So Her Ex-Husband Promised The Child’s Mom She Would Pay The Bill Without Consulting Her First 

“Which is why my ex told this kid’s mom that I would pay for a new pair of shoes,” she revealed. Yikes!

Clearly, she was never consulted about paying that hefty price tag. But, her ex claimed that since she received child support from him, then she should have enough cash to replace the child’s shoes. So, she ended up trying to call the kid’s mother in order to explain the situation– more specifically, how she never actually agreed to pay for the shoes.

Obviously, though, this only made the child’s mother very upset because her ex had already agreed to cover the reimbursement costs. And at that point, she was just so frustrated by the entire situation that she kind of told the mom off.

“I told her that if her son was so worried about his shoes, he shouldn’t wear them to school,” she recalled.

She also told the mother that the entire incident was just a mistake, so she refused to pay that much money for a new pair of shoes.

The child’s mother did not understand her perspective at all, though, and actually threatened to “seek legal counsel” if she did not pay.

Still, she admitted how even after hearing that, she decided to “stick to her guns” and not hand over the $700. Regardless, though, she has been left wondering whether refusing to pay for the shoes was the right thing to do or not.

Even if she does receive child support, does her ex have a right to dictate how she spends that money? Why do you think he agreed on her behalf without even consulting her first? Did she have a right to refuse to pay the $700? If you were in her shoes, what would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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