
She Actually Told Her Mother-In-Law That She Doesn’t Like The Food That She Cooks, And Then Her Mother-In-Law Accused Her Of Not Being Grateful

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I think it’s safe to say that we all know one family member whose cooking skills are not so great.

However, in many families, the mother or the matriarch is one of the best cooks, and it’s a sort of unspoken rule that you should never say anything bad about her cooking. 

One woman faced some heat from her husband’s family after admitting that she didn’t like her mother-in-law’s cooking. 

She’s 23-years-old and immigrated from another country to America when she was 12. She married her 21-year-old husband and has been spending a lot of time with his family. She’s currently pregnant and in her first trimester.

“There are a lot of things my husband and his family do differently than mine, things that I’m not quite accustomed to,” she said.

It’s been taking her a while to adjust to his family, especially the food they eat, which is mostly prepared by her mother-in-law. 

She explained that her mother-in-law tends to prepare foods that she finds bland and under-seasoned.

For instance, mayonnaise goes into the majority of her dishes. Once, at a family gathering, she prepared a pasta dinner that had a bunch of ketchup in it.

Her mother-in-law also has a habit of creating strange combinations of foods that her husband and his family enjoy. However, she can’t really get behind it.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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