
She Doesn’t Want Her Aunt At Her Wedding And Insisted Her Aunt Would Be Escorted Out Of The Event If She Showed Up, But Her Dad Thinks She Needs To “Take The Higher Ground”

Even after she gave up on her aunt, though, the antics did not stop. Instead, her aunt tried to pull the same behavior on her other 10 cousins.

Each time, she claimed it was the same cycle, too. Her aunt would try to act cool before eventually overstepping boundaries, getting people mad, and acting defensive. Then, her aunt would always do something crazy.

This even led one of her uncles to get a restraining order against her aunt– meaning that her aunt is no longer allowed near any of his children.

Regardless of that, her aunt obviously found out about her wedding– and the fact that she wasn’t invited. So, earlier this week, her aunt called her mom and first tried to “really butter” her mom up using a sob story.

Then, at the end of the conversation, her aunt started begging for an invitation to her wedding. At that point, her mom claimed her aunt would just have to speak with her directly. After all, it is her wedding.

Rather than understanding that, though, her aunt asked if her parents were paying and insinuated that if so, they should be able to invite whomever they wanted.

But, her mom ultimately revealed how she and her fiancé are actually paying for the wedding completely by themselves– which is something she is seriously proud of.

“And [my aunt] was flabbergasted, to say the least. She thought my parents paying for it would be her ticket in if she could guilt trip them enough,” she recalled.

Still, the drama was far from over after the phone call ended. Instead, her mom ended up summarizing what happened to her while her dad was in the room, and her dad got involved.

First, her dad insisted that just not inviting her aunt would not work because her aunt would just show up and act as though she was invited.

She refused to stand for that kind of behavior, though, and told her dad that if her aunt did that, she would have her aunt promptly escorted off the property. She really just does not want her aunt there, and her fiancé completely supports her decision.

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