
She Told Her Father And Stepmom That They Were “Truly Horrible People” After They “Planned” To Take Custody Of Her Half-Sister Away From Her Ex-Stepmom

Then, not even one week after the case was settled, her father’s mistress moved into her home and reportedly began “running” her house.

According to her, her father’s mistress– who is now her current stepmom– never liked her.

Her father’s mistress has made some really mean comments about her appearance, which has really impacted her in a negative way.

“This really affected my self-esteem and caused me to really hate myself,” she said.

At the same time, her father’s mistress swooped in to care for her half-sister– who began calling the mistress “mommy” and her ex-stepmom “daddy’s friend.”

So, obviously, her ex-stepmom– who is her half-sister’s real mother– was devastated.

To make matters worse, her father’s mistress asked to adopt her half-sister and “be her real mom” in front of their whole family during her half-sister’s sixth birthday party.

“My half-sister cried in tears of happiness, and my dad gave them a big hug, and they all cried tears of joy. But I was excluded,” she recalled.

Then, the next day, she and her father’s mistress dropped her half-sister off to visit her ex-stepmom for a few hours.

And during the drop-off, she claimed that the mistress purposefully yelled, “Mommy can’t wait to adopt you!” very loudly.

At that point, her ex-stepmom was obviously confused and asked what that meant. So, her dad wound up revealing how his mistress would be legally adopting her half-sister and becoming “her real mom.”

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