
She’s Upset With Her Brother Because Her Niece And Nephew From His First Marriage Don’t Have Bedrooms In His House

Praiwan Wasanruk - - illustrative purposes only

When they separate and move away from their spouse, most parents want to ensure that their children have a comfortable and fun place to stay when they visit. 

One woman is upset with her brother after he’s repeatedly not made an effort to give either of his children their own bedrooms in his last two houses.

Her brother has two kids from his last marriage who are 10 and 4-years-old. When he divorced their mother, they moved to a different state. Later on, he met a new woman and married her. 

He bought a four-bedroom house with his new wife, which technically gave them enough room for his kids to have their own bedrooms whenever they visited him.

However, when she visited his house while his kids were there, she noticed they were sleeping on air mattresses in his living room. 

The other three rooms in his brother’s house, other than his and his wife’s room, were being used for two personal offices and a gym. 

She confronted her brother, who began to feel embarrassed. However, he tried to justify the fact that his kids didn’t have their own rooms by explaining that since his daughter was too young to travel, the kids would rarely be at his house.

As per his custody agreement, most of his visits would consist of him visiting them where they live. 

“I was annoyed, but felt like maybe his embarrassment meant he would fix that,” she said. 

Praiwan Wasanruk – – illustrative purposes only

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