
A Barista On TikTok Is Sharing That Discrimination Against People With Piercings And Tattoos Is Still Alive And Well

Svitlana - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Tattoos and facial piercings in the workplace have had a history of being frowned upon. They are viewed as unprofessional and are thought to scare away customers or distract other employees.

As a result, many places are reluctant to hire employees with visible tattoos or piercings. There is also the existing stereotype that deems them as signs of a criminal personality.

In truth, tattoos and piercings say nothing about the qualifications of an individual and do not affect job performance.

And with body modifications becoming more common in recent years, you would think that most companies would let this outdated notion go.

A barista on TikTok is sharing that discrimination against people with tattoos and piercings is still alive and well.

In a video posted to TikTok, Ellie (@ellieexists95) blasted her former boss for favoring employees who don’t have body modifications.

Ellie explained that a corporation had bought out her job, so everyone had to read over the new regulations and sign some paperwork.

After looking at the dress code section of the employee handbook, she discovered that tattoos were allowed as long as they were not on your face or neck.

Nose rings were prohibited; however, management let Ellie keep hers in. But then, Ellie overheard some comments her manager made.

Svitlana – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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