
Adding A Living Wall To Your Home Can Provide A Serious Splash Of Life And Color: Here’s How You Can Make Your Own

Sergii Figurnyi - - illustrative purposes only

Being in close proximity to greenery has major benefits on our mental health. When we’re around plants, our stress levels are reduced, and we feel happier. It’s been scientifically proven! All the more reason to fill your home with plants.

Living walls are on trend right now, and they can provide a serious splash of life and color to your surroundings while lifting your spirits and mood.

A living wall is a collection of plants hanging vertically on a wall and grown on a panel. It can cover an entire wall or just a small section. And it can be located either indoors or outside.

If you want to jazz up your garden or have limited space for potted plants in your home, a living wall will fit your needs. Here’s what you need to know before installing your living wall. We’ll cover the lighting, watering, and wall-mounting requirements for both indoor and outdoor living walls.

Indoor Living Wall

Living walls require a significant amount of sunlight. The placement of your living wall will depend on which area of your home can provide sufficient lighting. If you don’t receive a lot of natural daylight, consider adding some grow lights.

When installing a living wall indoors, you must take into account the weight of your plants and shelving.

Too heavy, and it might damage your wall. But usually, they don’t cause a problem since living walls hang vertically, pulling the weight straight down instead of outwards.

To water your indoor living wall, you’ve got two options. You can water it by hand or set up a self-watering system. Hand watering can be a challenge because it might get messy, and it’s hard to find the balance between over and underwatering.

Sergii Figurnyi – – illustrative purposes only

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