
After Experiencing A Terrible Breakup With The Guy She Thought She Would Marry, She Decided To Start Traveling Around The World And Dating A Guy In Every Country She Visited

Deyan Georgiev - - illustrative purposes only

I love a good Eat, Pray, Love kind of story when someone travels the world after a hard breakup and shares tales from their time abroad. 

One TikTok creator not only decided to travel after a break-up but also went on dates with single men in different countries. Now, she’s making a series of videos about how men and dating scenes vary worldwide. 

Anne Marie Hagerty (@annemariehagerty) went through an awful breakup last year with the man she thought she would marry.

She then began to travel the world all by herself and decided to try going on a date in every country she visited. 

As of December 2022, Anne Marie visited ten countries and noted that she has dating stories from all of them. 

“I’m going to share some of them with you on here,” she tells her TikTok followers. “Because traveling the world is amazing.”

One of my favorite dating stories from Anne Marie is about when she met a charming stranger in London while waiting on the sidewalk for a different planned date!

Anne Marie had met a guy named Steve on a dating app during her trip to London and, after a week of chatting online, decided to meet him in Notting Hill for coffee. You know, where the romantic movie with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant takes place?

Steve was late to their date, so Anne Marie stood outside the coffee shop waiting for him. After a while, she noticed a man walking towards her who looked a lot like Steve.

Deyan Georgiev – – illustrative purposes only

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