
After His Wife Started Complaining That He Wasn’t Helping Out Enough Around The House, He Cut Back His Hours At Work, But Then His Wife Got Upset That They Didn’t Have Enough Money To Spend On Things Like Dates And Getting Her Nails Done

Finally, he started to feel like he was being manipulated. Things really boiled over when on a night out with friends, his wife told everyone that he didn’t do enough around the house and that she was like a “slave.”

He wanted his wife to understand how important his job was, even if it prevented him from taking on as many household duties as her. So, he asked his boss if he could temporarily take a couple of hours off of work every day to be at the house and get more things done. 

He took over every single household duty from there. He prepped all the meals, cleaned, took the kids to school, etc.

His wife was so happy, and he overheard her on the phone with her bad influence friend, victoriously bragging about all the work she got him to do. 

This continued for about a month, and his wife didn’t have to do anything. But then, she started noticing that they didn’t do anything ‘fun’ as a couple anymore, like date nights.

His wife also started noticing that she didn’t have enough money to spend on more luxurious things like trips to the nail salon.

“I explained that I had to take that out of our budget so we could continue to afford everything else, but we could absolutely have a movie night in, and I could paint her nails for her,” he recalled.

“She was unhappy with that solution.”

Then, he suggested that his wife go and get a part-time job to afford things like that, and she looked appalled. 

Finally, she asked him if he could start working longer hours to make more money again and told him to “be a man.”

He told her he could, but they’d have to start splitting chores again. That’s when she finally realized that all of these things coincide and that if she wants to enjoy some of the finer things in life, she will have to get used to splitting up the chores and letting him work.

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