
Everything Tastes Better Fried, Including Pickles, And Here’s How To Make Fried Pickles In Your Air Fryer

Christian - - illustrative purposes only

Pickles are popular! They work well with many dishes. People put pickles on sandwiches, burgers, and even pizza. Many will also just take bites out of a pickle straight from the jar as a cold, crunchy snack.

About 67 percent of American households eat pickles. It’s a way of life here in the land of the free. The only fathomable reason people could hate pickles is that all they’ve ever had were bad ones.

Even if you are a pickle hater, you’re bound to love a good deep-fried appetizer. Everything tastes better fried, including pickles!

TikToker Raven (@quotetheraven2) has a recipe for fried pickles that are made in the air fryer. It’s an excellent alternative to deep frying and saves you cleanup time and calories.

This recipe will change anyone’s negative opinion of pickles in an instant.

First, scoop out one cup of dill pickle slices and pat them dry with a clean paper towel. This is a crucial step because if you don’t soak up the excess pickle juice, your coating might not stick too well and result in mushiness rather than a satisfying crunch.

In a bowl, add half a cup of flour, a tablespoon of garlic powder, a teaspoon of paprika, half a teaspoon of onion powder, and half a teaspoon of chili powder.

Whisk the seasonings together, then add the pickles and coat them in the mixture. Next, arrange the pickles into the air fryer, making sure that they’re not overlapping each other.

Depending on how many pickles you have, you might need to make multiple batches.

Christian – – illustrative purposes only

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