
She Doesn’t Want To Live With Her College Roommate Anymore After She Began Exhibiting Odd Behavior And Threw Out $1,000 Worth Of Her Stuff

She’s also caught her roommate rearranging their furniture and more of her belongings without permission.

All of this has been very disturbing to her sleep and study schedule. It’s now beginning to affect the way she goes to school, and she knew she needed to have a discussion with her roommate about her behavior.

“Throughout the year, I’ve spoken to her about these things, but it hasn’t really made a difference,” she remembered.

“It wasn’t until last week that she mentioned having OCD, ADHD, and anxiety. She said that she wasn’t medicated/in treatment for anything and wasn’t planning on being.”

Over the past weekend, she decided to talk to her about housing. She told her roommate she thought she was a great person and would like to stay in touch, but she was going to look for a roommate because she believes they’re incompatible.

It was a decision she had made long before learning about her roommate’s mental health. Her roommate got very upset and asked her to elaborate. When she did, her roommate said she was blaming her for having mental disorders and said she wasn’t being fair. 

Then, her roommate told her that if she moved out, she’d tell all their friends that she was an ableist. 

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here. 

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