
She Got Called Snobby Because She Didn’t Want Her Kids To Wear Hand-Me-Down Clothes From Their Cousins

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s sister-in-law has children who are a few years older than her own kids. That’s why, in the past, her sister-in-law has generously kept all of the kids’ old clothes to hand down to her children.

“And we’ve graciously taken a lot of the clothing over the years,” she recalled.

The items often served different purposes, too. Sometimes, certain clothing items would end up getting used as rags; other times, she would donate some of the clothes.

But, this past month, her sister-in-law handed down another bag of summer clothes. And after she went through all of the items, she realized they were mostly wardrobe pieces she does not like to encourage her children to wear.

Apparently, she really does not like it when her kids wear clothes that advertise anything– whether that be a brand or media.

Her kids know this, too, and understand her rule that she will not buy them any items advertising a brand.

“If they want to use their own money just so they can parade around advertising someone’s brand for them, I don’t stop them,” she explained.

Plus, she claimed that she and her husband try to act as role models for the rule in their home. For instance, her husband donates any branded fleeces his company sends him right after he receives the items.

That’s why she was not interested in keeping any of the clothes handed down from her sister-in-law’s kids– because they had brands on them.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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